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Protect Your Commercial Air Conditioner - A/C Cages a Sound Business Decision - 9/17/09

Business ownership is full of risks and rewards, investments and losses. And while commerce may be full of gambles and tough competition in a sliding economy, the last thing one would expect is the vandalism or copper theft of a commercial air conditioner unit. Air conditioning units are essential in providing a comfortable work environment for your employees and a pleasant shopping/service experience for your customers. AC units are the relentless workers that heat and cool your business behind the scenes and are rarely thought of until servicing is needed.

Years ago most issues with an air conditioner could have been resolved with a new air filter or by adding Freon; now, business owners are increasing becoming victims of copper theft leaving them stuck with having to replace expensive commercial air conditioner units.

With the prices of scrap metal, such as copper, at four times their previous values, the illegal market of Copper Theft has quickly surged and instantly creating millions of dollars of loss and damages. These thieves and vandals prey upon business owners because they have set hours and are often easy targets on holidays and weekends. An unsuspecting and unprepared business owner can come back from a much needed holiday break to find thousands of dollars in damages caused by a thief looking to make a hundred dollars off scrap copper.

Warehouse owner Frank Conley is out just over four thousand dollars this past holiday season after his commercial air conditioner was vandalized in a burglary attempt. "I would never have thought of having to secure my AC unit until now," Frank states matter-of-factly. When asked about the damages, he wishes to only have known of this disturbing trend beforehand so that he could have protected his property. After this incident an Air Conditioner Alarm might seem to be the best option, but he later found that they do very little to hinder skilled thieves that can be in and out before the authorities arrive.

AC ARMOR Commercial air conditioner cages will give you the security and protection that these costly investments require. Prevention is key, but most will settle for them being the intimidating copper theft deterrent. Finding the right sizes for larger units can be tough and usually require custom work, fitting and installation. Before you hire some local guy, make sure you do your research to get exactly what you need in your budget. Don't be the next victim of commercial copper theft.

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